17 Replies to “A Worry To The Wise”

  1. Love this! LOL That part about Jesus breaking our wind LOL.
    Enjoying these nutshells. Full of humor mixed with Truth.
    Keep coming back!

    1. yea, that was kind of an off the rails thought.. stuff like I say all the time that I shoulda retracted LOL I almost didn’t leave it in. but see that’s what makes these nutshells different from any other devotions thanks for the encouragement

  2. This is good, Bryan. I now know a new term, drafting… the way you used it in context with resting in the Lord will stick with me, thanks for that!

  3. Appreciated that. In today’s society finding spiritual rest is a battle in of itself. We are continuously battling the upside down moral compass of this world, and our own unholy desires. Could definitely use a vacation, or spiritual rest from the junk around me…..

  4. Ouch! This one really stepped on my toes… but in a really useful way. Thanks Bryan! (Nice fart joke too, btw.)

  5. Good word, great song, St Bryan. At our guys Bible study this wk we heard: “Take My attitude on you, cuz I’m humble & surrendered to My Father, & you’ll find rest in your soul.” (As Eugene writes: the unforced rhythms of grace.) Maybe It’s not so much the quantity of what we do, but the quality of why & how we do it.

  6. Good one! I had to listen to that twice. I liked the drafting analogy (and the joke 😉 ). Rest seems like peace to me…

  7. Love this one … helps so much to think of rest as not stopping (which I can’t do because bills need to be paid) but as moving in someone else’s draft, letting them do the hard work. Such a great concept. I’m sharing this with my Bible Study on Tuesday …

      1. Thanks for being my friend – I’m a little looney also. But ever since my older brothers introduced me to Sweet Comfort, you know your music has always hit me right where I live and has kept me standing through many tough times. But is also has made me laugh!

  8. Uh oh.

    Yeah, I couldn’t respond to this one for a few days, it’s so relevant and close to home.

    A few weeks ago I was hit with the revelation that I have been coasting, spiritually. I often write stuff on post-it’s as reminders & encouragement on my bathroom mirror. But when I had this epiphany, I wrote on my shower wall (in dry erase marker): Coasting always leads downhill; pedal to progress. I didn’t know about drafting. And I’ve been heading downhill (and hitting too many potholes). About a week later, during devotions, I extracted these gems that earned a post-it on the mirror: … as if effort were equal to faith. Effort = work = independence ≠ trust = rest = dependence = faith. —- Thanks for teaching me about drafting. Really helps me REST while pedaling.

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