Just today I Heard from a guy who was lambasting us for our lack of power to ‘stand against evil’. I don’t get the sense that God’s will is for us to call down fire from heaven on the heathen! No matter how much I would like to.
thanks Linda.. I can’t imagine that you’ve checked off more on that list than I have.. I didn’t even want to read the list for fear of incrimination. LOL
Problem is, if there is good advice, we often object, not to the content but the “form” it takes, as if that is an excuse. By the way, by entering the podcasts from my email, the “form” I enter, does not allow comments, have to go into the website from my browser. Anyway, the God who dished out fire on a legion and raised children and adults back to life, is the same God presiding over today. Guess who has moved. My own experience of miracles is that I experienced them when I was far less sure of myself. I am trying to get back to that dependence.
Hi Lisa, nice of you to comment for the first time! thanks for your attention! LOL there’s a reason he hasn’t given me the power to call down fire! LOL everyone would be toast! ROFL cept fer you of course
Once again I’m smacked HARD with a nutshell! Honestly- I’m thinking you’re lobbing these at me like an ornery squirrel! This one is PACKED with nutrition. —- I’m also reminded of the notion that you would make a fabulous jr high preacher. Maybe I should recommend you as a guest speaker for my kids’ youth group.
18 Replies to “No Power To Show Off”
Haha, nailed it!
Good message for my ears today!
Keep it up brother!
glad yer havin coffee.. I forgot to make mine last night.. never try to read in the morning without it! LOL
His power, not ours! Amen!
Just today I Heard from a guy who was lambasting us for our lack of power to ‘stand against evil’. I don’t get the sense that God’s will is for us to call down fire from heaven on the heathen! No matter how much I would like to.
That’s for reminding me that I resemble many of those descriptions that God warns about and that is why Grace is so powerful! Amen
thanks Linda.. I can’t imagine that you’ve checked off more on that list than I have.. I didn’t even want to read the list for fear of incrimination. LOL
Problem is, if there is good advice, we often object, not to the content but the “form” it takes, as if that is an excuse. By the way, by entering the podcasts from my email, the “form” I enter, does not allow comments, have to go into the website from my browser. Anyway, the God who dished out fire on a legion and raised children and adults back to life, is the same God presiding over today. Guess who has moved. My own experience of miracles is that I experienced them when I was far less sure of myself. I am trying to get back to that dependence.
Hi Jamie, I just assume that like healing God never did it the same way .. maybe he’s moved on from my assumptions
This is right on and I like how you said it! God’s got that power not us and I’m glad! He uses us differently than he did the disciples
Hi Lisa, nice of you to comment for the first time! thanks for your attention! LOL there’s a reason he hasn’t given me the power to call down fire! LOL everyone would be toast! ROFL cept fer you of course
My goodness. I can’t eat pizza but I don’t have power as much. Still wearing glasses. Thank you
Hi Scott!.. if I do something miraculous like declining to eat pizza even .. I want credit!!! it should make the news! LOL
Nice Garrison Keller reference
really I wasn’t aware.. I member GK though good company to be in! THanks SH hope yer recovering
Once again I’m smacked HARD with a nutshell! Honestly- I’m thinking you’re lobbing these at me like an ornery squirrel! This one is PACKED with nutrition. —- I’m also reminded of the notion that you would make a fabulous jr high preacher. Maybe I should recommend you as a guest speaker for my kids’ youth group.
you’d scare the hell out of me … I’m afraid of young. people now.. LOL
I just got my 14-yr old son listening to some o these nutshells and he says, “I gotta meet that guy!”
No Kidding? wow, cool I don’t have any 14 year olds listening to me that I know of! LOL