24 Replies to “The Grinch Might Be My Cousin”

  1. Bryan, after mentioning at least 23 CHRISTMAS songs in your nutshell sermon, I’m wishing you a very, Merry Christmas, Santa Baby!!! Love you.

  2. All Jacob wanted for Christmas was Rachel, but Santa Laban gave him coal. Seven Christmases later the coal was still serving him well but he finally got what he was longing for. Then they took a road-trip and at journeys end Rachel was gone but the coal was still serving him well..
    there must be a moral in there somewhere..

  3. Ok, this one had me cracking up several times…
    Thanks so much for the joy & wisdom you bring in both your music & your nutshell sermons. Merry Christmas & may the Lord bless you.

  4. I like this one. Especially the, “ When I ask what child is this, I’m usually not asking about the baby Jesus.” line. Thanks for sharing and “lettin’me listen!”

  5. Good morning my friend…merry Christmas!! I was out there today…not Christmas shopping, and it is a mess here in Cincinnati. The line wrapped around the corner at the local Starbucks and I couldn’t get there anyway because of the traffic!! And to top that our little wiener dog died early this morning…the last of our 3 amigos. So that will mess with our Christmas a bit this year, but we don’t lose sight of the reason for the season and we do rejoice as people who have hope but not fully there yet. God bless you friend and know you are appreciated

    1. Hi Bill sorry bout yer dog we lost ours two years ago.. can’t believe how heartbreaking that can feel.
      this year I bet on Joe burrow and the Cincinatti Defense in Fantasy Football.. and I barely made the playoffs now fightin for 5th place in my league.. not Christmasy feels LOL

  6. Yes …bengals are a bit disappointing, but still fighting for a play off spot. I missed my draft this year and have had to build my team by free agents and whomever the auto-draft picked for me. Finished 2nd in the league and riding Joe Flacco into the playoffs…lol

  7. I feel bad that I’ve missed a few of your nutshell sermons because of being sick or because it’s the busiest time of the year. Also, then traveling a bit. Thank you for your wisdom and humor. I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and keep having fun with those grandkids of yours.

  8. Yep, “Happy Holidays” is annoying. However, it is an opportunity for me to thank people around me. And I’m sure you can find an American nut to roast, both literally and figuratively!

      1. They sell them in the shops here at Christmas time, having been an English colony and all that, but I have never been able to get cooking them right. Seriously overrated. I reckon if you put Macadamians in the shell on an open fire, then you’d get a mini grenade!

      2. They sell them in the shops here at Christmas time, having been an English colony and all that, but I have never been able to get cooking them right. Seriously overrated. I reckon if you put Macadamians in the shell on an open fire, then you’d get a mini grenade!..

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