24 Replies to “Talkin Wit Da Chipmunks”

    1. LOL .. that was my favorite calendar btw LOL Devin will go off on it when the Duncan clan gets together for Christmas on the 28th.. Cash will also get the stuff you sent.. Thanks for that

  1. Oh, that was so fun to listen to! Your kiddos are adorable and I love the Chipmunks. Those jokes were corny, and I love the way they delivered them. Grandkids are the best.
    Christmas, Christmas time is near,
    time for joy and time for cheer.
    we’ve been good but we won’t last, hurry Christmas hurry fast…

    I’m picturing my Chipmunks album right now. Now I wish my record player worked. What good is it to have all my albums, 45s and CDs and have nothing to play them on. I do have two of your CDs stuck in each car, so I can listen to you forever and ever!
    I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful entrance into 2024. I will be flying to Hawaii January 1st and be there through the 7th. That is my special gift from my family for my 70th. I just joined you in the next decade. Sounds like you’re doing okay so far. That’s encouraging.

  2. I put my hot Folgers in a champagne glass so I could hear the klink* as we lift our glasses to our GRANDCHILDREN..
    That was perfect! Lord God bless you and yours with an abundance of joy for strength in all you put your hand to.

  3. Love this! We had our 4 grandkids for a couple of days and nights too. They truly are a wonderful gift from the Lord. Really enjoyed the jokes and laughter from your beautiful girls. It’s the day after Christmas now, so I’ll say Happy New Year!

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