48 Replies to “I Am Invisible To Young People”

  1. Happy Birthday, Bryan! Your rumination on getting older is both humorous and honest – which I need as I enter my next decade. I had lunch with a new, younger friend today who, when I told her my age, exclaimed, “I can’t believe it” – my response was “Neither can I!” God bless, brother!

    1. thanks CJ, looks like yer first time in the comments I feel honored thanks.. and LOL .. I’m kinda dumbfounded too.. I didn’t wanna do the standard old people comments .. and I did find a few positives ! LOL

  2. Love THIS ♥️!! Happy Birthday my friend! Keep up the great work! Love everything you put out and I always share!

    1. yea I Michael.. I do see you sharing my posts .. means a lot.. and here on the NUT as I shall call it now.. I’m finding a new purpose that works for old guys who run with the bulls anymore! LOL thanks for your help!

      1. Yes Sir.. It’s my pleasure! Gotta let you know if you ever come to my area. Would love to catch up with you.

  3. Happy birthday my friend. Your nutshell sermons,(was gonna say nuts but nah, can’t do that) are good for my soul.
    Working with you this past year has been truly a God connection, and I look forward to more of your insight into the aging process as I follow a decade behind you.
    I hope your day today is just as awesome as you are. Happy birthday again my friend..

    1. thanks DF let us spur one another on to good works.. and I showed that clip to my wife of yer Granddaughter puttin posies in her pockets! LOL man she’s a cute as my granddaughters!

  4. You crack me up! If you had not made music you could have been a comedian! Whenever Im feeling down your nutshell sermons make me smile. Though your songs are what truly minister to me

  5. Hi Bryan, Happy & Blessed 71st Birthday I would offer you for your birthday my special double chocolate chips cookies but my patience for baking & cooking are in the past with those good ole days. Yet friends I do cherish daily before they move onto eternity. Which is probably why we are hearing from each other.

  6. Happy birthday, my friend! I’m following right behind at 69 on the 26th of this month. Aging sure ain’t for the faint of heart but God’s promises will get us through. Amen? Amen!

  7. Happy Birthday, young man! Believe it or not, I’ve been praying for you to find more silver linings than dark clouds. Please, don’t ever say that you “used to be somebody.”
    You are wonderful, Bryan. I once heard that Steve Perry of Journey was called “the voice”….
    They got it all wrong!
    You are “the voice”!
    You make me laugh and you bring joy to countless hearts. I thank God for you, Brother!
    Keep on preachin’ ya “Nut”! Cause, The Preachin’ Is Easy, right?
    I hope you’ve had a really terrific day! ✌️

    Really agree with the stuff about your conversations with God. He does not see you as you see yourself.

  9. You are totally hysterical Bryan! I beat you by several years…turning 78 this summer…but I keep forgetting about that because I HAVE to stay young! What can I do when I care-give two people (my kind of crazy 19 year old adopted son and mentally ill brother). I just ask the Lord to keep me ticking…I can fool some people but eventually my body will tell me the truth! And I’m hearing that Christians don’t really need to retire…so when I have time maybe I can fool them in the workforce in thinking I’m younger than I am! Enjoyed hearing you on Hope for the Caregiver…and it’s a comeback in an unusual way as you were (and still are) a favorite singer of mine! Thanks for being so honest…and funny!

  10. Absolutely love you my friend and brother in Christ! Outstanding and Holy Sprit Breathed message with much Joy of the Lord! You know, when we met, you had just performed at Miami Christian College. You were so kind and so humble and came and joined my friend and I for lunch at our table which was a such an honor.It influenced my life and ministry in a gret way. That school became Trinity International University from which I graduated with honors. God bless you with many many more years and may Jesus continue to use you in mighty ways for His glory! Blessings and Shalom Aleichem in Yeshua Adonai to you and your family and your ministry. From you friend and brother in Christ Jesus our King Always…Armando

  11. Happy birthday Bryan. Yeah funny our our focus on things change. 71 not so bad. I’m 60 in a few days. Makes me feel old that there are guys that weren’t born yet on our tech team, when I started my tech career. Reminds me of the circle of life from the Lion King. Have a great one.

  12. Happy B D, BD!

    Maybe I’m amazed at the way you minister all the time. Since I found your Nutshells, I no longer feel like another lonely old man in the middle of something that I really don’t understand eh?!

    Keep strolling on the water, high over every care. I know where your strength comes from. Thanks for sharing your sweet comfort.

    God bless you and keep you and may His face always shine upon you, my Righteous Brother!

    Your Looney-tic Friend

      1. Dang Bryan, people will start thinking we’re talking about “those” edibles lol. ;.P
        For the record: it was not that haha.

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