12 Replies to “My Accidental Career”

  1. Your father knew you best when you were growing up it sounds like. He was there when you playing the accordion under the Christmas tree as a toddler while your mother beamed with joy. I don’t think either missed anything about you in their lives and tried to steer you in the right direction. Your father may have stayed quiet on the ride back from Florida for some time to think. But I’m sure you are more successful at ministry than some who stayed! I can just picture the classes and they ain’t you Babe!

  2. Love these stories. Maybe it’s in the plans for a future episode but I’d like to hear about how and when you learned to play keys.

      1. I remember you saying that! What was up with accordion in those days? My dad is your age and he too was forced to learn accordion when he was younger. Was there a big accordion revival in the 50’s and 60’s??? LOL

  3. Good story… I did teen missions and fell for a girl that lived in Cincinnati. I’m. A Colorado boy. Talk about long distance relationships. Then there were the youth groups in the summer in the mountains. Lots a places in the trees for that forbidden summer love. I have to hold on to those promises in Jeremiah, otherwise, what’s the point? Still trying to figure out at the age of 60, of God has anything special for me to do. I would like to get back to my music. My day job makes it really hard… But who know.?

    1. trust me I know about the uncertainty of our purpose. Right when you hang a sign on yer door.. God says “turn here”. Oswald Chambers says the longer you walk with God the more Vague his purposes are. the point is to know him. and by the way, God be answering our prayers for Israel as of late. Pray for your kid in Lebanon with every news report! now there’s God’s purpose right there..

  4. Hey Bryan, absolutely loved your telling the stories of the early days, how you got started, and especially the SCB era. I found myself wanting more details (although I realize it is hard to remember back that far for all of us)! Since you are reposting some old posts, I’d offer some encouragement to go back and tell some more stories from the early days, or take a deeper dive into some aspects of the concerts, songs, etc., if you feel inclined 🙂 Lord bless you!

    1. thanks for the suggestions.. I wasn’t sure how many ‘reruns’ I should do.. there’s a lot of info between the two I’ve posted.. that should be close to the posts I made there in “jesus n Music’ catagory.. individual concerts are hard to remember unless there was a disasster … I have already told most of those in other episode.. look for the first 15 episodes that should start you on the right track..

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