About me
I’m Bryan Duncan, preachers kid. I was in church before I was a week old. I like to say I had all the answers before I had the questions. I saw Christianity from behind the scenes. I witnessed the incongruities first hand. It Gave me a certain pragmatism about the proclamations.
Never the less the message of the Love of God for all men and that he was not willing for anyone to parish, was compelling enough for me to have stayed the course through almost 70 years now. I’ve broken all the rules somewhere at some point. And the grace of God still rests on me. I’m not afraid of honesty although I might lack a certain tact in making sure that you know the peripheral view.
I’ve been a Singer/Songwriter for decades, you can google that information under my name most anywhere. But since the “Covid Years” I found myself with too much time on my hands to qualify for that job description. Yes, I still do concerts and write music. But being a friend to someone isn’t a job description. I can guarantee you I will never be surprised by the things you do or say. I have my own stories.