19 Replies to “Something Else Is Goin On-The Song”

      1. I really love this song…the words and melody are repetitive…so that they emphasize the meaning of a lovely feeling ❤️…

  1. I can’t help it if I still like the old stuff better. It is not just Blue Sky’s I got a lot of your Albums. I really like Mercy I think that was the first one I bought and I have a ta least five others including your Christmas Album but there is just something about the old stuff that southed my heart. I remember when you were working on Lunitic Frinds and we all got to stand up at your concert but I don’t cosider myself a Lunitic . I gues I will just have to go through all my CD’s again. to be honest I haven’t purchased CD’s of anyone in a long time. I think the last person I bought any from was Annie Medows and I am sorry happy she was able to love again. I went to the funeral she gave for her husband and I just knew she would be ok

    1. thanks for commenting .. we can take our top ten fav projects and still find one better than the other. I tend to like what speaks more to me currently than where I was in the best. My favorite song has mostly been about the next one.
      Lunatic btw had a different connotation to me when I wrote the song.. based on Lunatic Fringe idea, just someone who wasn’t in the center of things. I’ve always felt like an outsider

  2. This is one of my favorites. Like the way your vocals (stacked or not) soar over it all. Somehow this song swam around my musical fringe mind with van halen & pat benatar to be something kinda wild. Lyrics always get to me. Thanks again!
    Didn’t know your reference
    of the l.f. came from the Red Rider tune. Was a fav of mine in the 80s.

    1. actually I never hear Red Rider sorry.. “Lunatic Fringe” was a political assignment coined by Theodore Roosevelt sorry I didn’t know about Red Rider’s use.. To me Lunatic Friend implied an unpopular outsider which as a Christian felt about right to me

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