Wow sounds like your new profession as retirement is bugging you….just count your blessings like good health and friends and family you like and then do ehattheheck ever you enjoy…sometimes you have to change path but don’t forget Jesus!
of course I wrote this years ago.. before my music career dried up.. and just before I got promoted to podcaster, where I can work from home thanks fer appreciating
Why is it that we can’t be satisfied with what we have? There’s an ancient Hebrew saying: (translated)
Who is rich – the one who is happy in his own way?
In other words we need to learn to be happy with God has allowed us. So as I see it we should strive to be better, but at the same time say thanks for what we have. I wonder what the world would be like if everyone just settled down a bit…
LOL oh sure… thats gonna happen nobody b settlin maybe cause we’re not sure what the plan is for being here.. ever messed with an ant hill? watch em scatter when the mound is disturbed! LOL
thanks JCW.. happy to not be rebuilding a house after the fires out here.. I can safely say.. I lost nothin! cept the wind took out a cast iron window dressing on two windows. I miss the summer months.. doin the podcast on that back porch takes longer in the cold..
Dissatisfaction…lack of peace…the human condition, isn’t it? My cousin, just weeks before she went home to the Lord, said, “I just want to be where God has placed me and be faithful in that.” I’m not sure anything has impacted me more than those words. Definitely words to live by or words by which to live 🙂
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Amen to that kindof. Yes he has something bigger than this for you but the quiet everyday unselfishness and discipline is preparation for this from experience. He definitely has big plans for you. Keep walking and listening to Him.
This opened in a different format on your site.
Amen to that kindof. Yes he has something bigger than this for you but the quiet everyday unselfishness and discipline is preparation for this from experience. He definitely has big plans for you. Keep walking and listening to Him.
13 Replies to “Dear God Got Anything Bigger?”
Wow sounds like your new profession as retirement is bugging you….just count your blessings like good health and friends and family you like and then do ehattheheck ever you enjoy…sometimes you have to change path but don’t forget Jesus!
of course I wrote this years ago.. before my music career dried up.. and just before I got promoted to podcaster, where I can work from home thanks fer appreciating
Why is it that we can’t be satisfied with what we have? There’s an ancient Hebrew saying: (translated)
Who is rich – the one who is happy in his own way?
In other words we need to learn to be happy with God has allowed us. So as I see it we should strive to be better, but at the same time say thanks for what we have. I wonder what the world would be like if everyone just settled down a bit…
LOL oh sure… thats gonna happen nobody b settlin maybe cause we’re not sure what the plan is for being here.. ever messed with an ant hill? watch em scatter when the mound is disturbed! LOL
That’s because the ants are getting right to rebuilding. I think you have done a great job at that, BD.
thanks JCW.. happy to not be rebuilding a house after the fires out here.. I can safely say.. I lost nothin! cept the wind took out a cast iron window dressing on two windows. I miss the summer months.. doin the podcast on that back porch takes longer in the cold..
Dissatisfaction…lack of peace…the human condition, isn’t it? My cousin, just weeks before she went home to the Lord, said, “I just want to be where God has placed me and be faithful in that.” I’m not sure anything has impacted me more than those words. Definitely words to live by or words by which to live 🙂
it’s the difference between being “Significant” and “Purposeful” .. I was always lookin for the first one until I found the second
Great distinction…
wow cool I can’t remember the last time I was Distink’d LOL thanks BeLong
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Amen to that kindof. Yes he has something bigger than this for you but the quiet everyday unselfishness and discipline is preparation for this from experience. He definitely has big plans for you. Keep walking and listening to Him.
prolly opened in a different format cause I loaded a ‘wav file’ instead of Mp3 by accident
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Amen to that kindof. Yes he has something bigger than this for you but the quiet everyday unselfishness and discipline is preparation for this from experience. He definitely has big plans for you. Keep walking and listening to Him.