37 Replies to “Finding The Ring In The Wrapping”

  1. I love this! I could picture unwrapping the gifts, losing the ring, frantically looking and finally finding the prize. And then I could see the Baby in the stable who is wrapped up for us as a gift.

    1. well that is encouraging I know it’s not a ‘mainstream’ style of Christmas song but all too often we miss the point. Thanks for signing the comments as always! good to hear your opinions

  2. I always enjoy your music brother! 🙂 I thought this was a great story and message…it bears repeating, and I may share your story…God Bless You!

    1. thanks Pastor Franklin that would be a gift to me for Christmas if you share my songs and stories. I’m glad it has a deeper meaning than most of the Christmas songs I hear these days too! Thanks for letting me know!

  3. This song is so good. It’s full of memories to hold on to.
    Sentimental about losing something we treasure then getting it back.
    Needs to be on the radio!

    1. wow cool .. I felt from the beginning this isn’t a radio style single from my perspective but I would prefer not to edit my songs down to the lowest common denominator which is what they do for radio hits. Christmas lyrics I hear now are just plain innocuous to my ears so glad this one’s working for you.

  4. This is really great. Can’t wait for the full production and I here it in the keyboard sampling. Considering this is a demo especially, it really has a full sound.
    Oh, and I have had a recent similar experience, when I lost a baby’s sock meant to send to a friend for the baby’s first Christmas…………………….

  5. Hmmm.
    First time here (on the web).
    Thank you for this, and all your nutshells.
    This one got my eyes leaking – not good when driving, but it was worth it!

  6. Thank God for video cameras. All though I lost my ring one time, looked all over, couldn’t find it. I prayed and God showed me in a dream the next night that my ring had fallen off my finger and was between the bed and the wall. I woke that morning and looked and there it was resting on the edge of the bed frame. Glad you found your daughter’s ring.

    1. my wife lost her wedding ring like that.. couldn’t find it for days.. then I was having the car washed and just before the guy started to vacuum out the side door pockets I saw it just in time!

  7. Everything sounds good except the drum machine. Glad you found your daughter’s ring. Good thinking on the video.

  8. Good stuff!! Good stories at Christmas are special treasures, and so glad you thought to review the tape and daughter found her ring!! ✨

    1. yep.. my youngest daughter was preggo and it was the last Christmas morning out daughters would be home.. thing is I lost the video as it was on my Ipad and a virus made it impossible to get back! but at least we found the ring with it

  9. You have an amazing play on words! The lyrics are splendid! Truly gifted you are. Perhaps someone publish all these marvelous songs in a CD and title it “Unpublished Thoughts” or “Lyrics” or something similar… Merry Christmas!

    1. thanks for the kudos Bernice, I’ve written 4 songs for my planned Sentimental Christmas. but crowd funding just wasn’t happening for the last four years. I have a producer who wants to produce this song though he liked it so much

  10. Sue and I enjoyed the song and the explanation of how it came about. We look forward to hearing more Christmas songs from you.

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