21 Replies to “Jesus Is Droppin Your Name”

  1. If God brags on me to you at any time. That would make me feel a little better about myself haha.
    It is awesome to think that God loves us so much that He would brag on us.
    I hope I make Him proud at least sometimes.

  2. I feel the story of Job is one of the best “faith” messages in the Bible. People like to say they don’t understand Job, but it’s pretty simple, serving God is the best life even when things go bad.
    God’s grace never quits on us, praise Jesus!

      1. One of thoughts about maybe changing my focus from me to others, or me to you? Know if I worry and pray for others, God will worry about me.
        I wonder if it’s kinda self-serving in a roundabout unselfish kinda a way..
        Thanks Bryan especially now, that’s a good thing to hold on to. In the end God takes care of his own…

  3. Actually, that was a revelation to me, not to pray for my friends, but in real terms, to pray for my enemies. Not easy.
    And what is that thing about doctors without boundaries? I support MSF.

  4. Tho He slay me, yet will I trust Him…now there’s a powerful statement, a verse I pray I can quote and really mean it. As for praying for others, it kinda also takes my mind off myself and reminds me that others may have worse things to go through than I do. If God puts me on someone else’s mind I am thankful for the extra prayers that’s for sure.

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