20 Replies to “50 Year Reunion”

  1. Thanks for saying what a slipstream was lol had no clue. Haha.
    Age is a tricky thing, we are suppose to gain wisdom to pass on to the young ones. But the age gap makes conversations difficult when you have to explain everything haha.
    I understand how you felt at the reunion. That is why they say sometimes you can’t visit the past. Since we don’t live there anymore. I have never attended any of my school reunions because most of the kids back then didn’t know who I was and if they did they mostly ignored me. Who wants to relive that lol
    But I am grateful for new seasons in life and new friends and connections. I have more friends now than I ever did in school.
    And the lead singer of the Sweet Comfort Band is a friend of mine. So I am blessed more than I deserve.
    Never discount the impact you are making. This nutshells are awesome and your music is eternal. And that is the truth.

    1. thanks for sharing… I was worried about this one cause it is a tad more negative than I like to be.. but sometimes these feelings need to be “excercised” .. like demons LOL

  2. The older I’ve become, the more I’ve understood that God doesn’t really NEED me, rather He will even use a jackass to get His will done (which, in retrospect, is what He did using me). If it’s about me, then I’ve missed the point. Still, it stings to feel “pushed” aside in what’s happening for Him today.

  3. Special invite? Pretty cool someone remembered. One of my old friends, from shekinah long beach days, Greg and the Thompsons would remember, Rick told me he did sound for them early on. I really digress. So my friend changed that poem to but-prints in the sand cause that’s where he dragged me. Lol. Heck I even got shot down on the riverside dire for saying I helped with the outreach sound at the parks and Sweet Comforts last concert at the college. . Roadies unloading and plugging in gear didn’t count either.

  4. Bryan,
    Is it negativity or truth? Sometimes we have to share the truth no matter how negative it sounds. I just went to my 50th class reunion (8-12) and it seems I can not get on Facebook without seeing another death notice of fellow students. Getting old sucks and is not for sissies. I remember being told if I don’t behave I’d get a lump of coal for Christmas, well these are not the “golden years” they are the “charcoal years”. Thanks for being true to yourself.

  5. Now I too attended 2 50th HS class reunions and was blessed that I remembered & recognized at least 75% of the people. As for recognizing you it would be easy because you look basically the same! So I am sure those who knew of The Sweet Comfort Band back then would see who you are today.

  6. That’s an interesting reunion. I’m surprised if anyone would remember me, but I have a 50 yr reunion coming up in a few years for my high school. I too have many more friends now, partially because of FB, just not too many where I live. I count you a as a friend, or an occasional coffee date, but my cool factor just went up because we’re friends, and I have your 1st SCB album!

  7. So yeah Nascar F1 all do that as well… I have never gone to a reunion. I figure if they were important to me I’d have made an effort to stay in contact. Or vice versa. Definitely agree, our walk with the Lord is very personal. This is a sequel to the last nutshell regarding our purpose.

  8. You’re right that’s what makes them so good is because we relate to it. LOL I know exactly what you mean by feeling discarded and jealous my friend. The younger generation took over and they’re all girls!! So it kind of makes you feel like you’re a convenience and not a necessity LOL keep them coming they’re relatable!!

  9. Happy 100th Episode! They enrich my life and encourage me. I have to admit I am a sucker for sarcasm, humor, clever insights, all things music and the backstories that come along with recording, performing and being a musician. Here’s to thousands more!

  10. Man is it hard to trust that God is using us for His glory when we don’t see much day to day impact. Really struggle with that when, after spending the majority of my life trying to follow what I felt sure I was called to do, the people I served tell me they never want to see me again. I want to tell you again that you have made a life saving impact on my life, and I’m sure that goes for many others as well. Keep up your “sermons” that push to remind me of God’s goodness and my need to have faith.

  11. Wow, Linda said it all!!! I have been to all my high school reunions. Everyone knew me but that doesn’t mean that they liked me. Yes, I too feel privileged to be a friend of my favorite singer.

  12. Thanks for sharing. Sometimes it’s nice to see someone else is going through some stuff that perhaps we thought we were the only one going through. Growing older isn’t for the faint of heart; and I’m not just talking about the eyesight, hearing, etc. Sometimes the hardest things are the regrets we think are regrets. I would suggest using the feelings this reunion brought up to make you dig deeper into why they made you feel this way. Regardless of how you feel, I fully support you and what you are doing, and believe you are making a huge impact for the Kingdom of God…even if it doesn’t feel like it.

  13. Long and Winding Road, do a cover for iTunes and I’ll tell my friends to buy it. Reunions are weird. Especially now that I know how to dance. Spinal issues still get in the way, but I can still cut a rug. Probably wouldn’t happen at a church reunion, but as long as there are donuts, the most important ministry a church can have…

  14. I try not to complain and try not to be jealous too, but I know exactly how that feels like I said before. To be left out. The younger people took over the platform and it was girls. And then it feels like you’ve become a convenience rather than a necessity LOL sad but sometimes it’s true. So then we definitely have to find ourselves again it seems like. Sorry, didn’t mean to sound like I was complaining, but you know we do have feelings and we just have to move on in faith.

  15. I’ve felt the same way, in my own ministry. It’s amazing how so many just tend to ‘forget’ you, after years of being on the road myself! At least He never forgets!

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