12 Replies to “Buttons For People To Push”

  1. I don’t want to store up anger. Haha that just causes more problems.
    In the New Testament James and John I think it was, asked Jesus if they could call down fire on people. He didn’t let them haha

  2. My husband and I were talking about our anger and how hard it is to pray for people whose main objective is to destroy everyone and everything around them, just to make more money…
    I told him that I wish I could do like Jesus did when he cleared the Temple of the money changers….I wanna whip on some people, but I hafta pray really hard that God will help me keep from blowing my top….so far so good.
    Thanks for these sermons!

  3. I have found that simply following God’s words in the Bible will free me of unwanted feelings. Even when it’s hard to do sometimes it’s better than trying to do it my way. After all I’m not God. Lol

  4. Anger is a difficult emotion to control. My anger storage shed is full. I guess sometimes we need to take a step back and think about why that button is there for others to push. Then dismantle it. Easier said than done. I dont hold on to the concept of righteous angry, cause I ain’t righteous. The letter of James talks about it as well.

  5. I’ve lost the app and now I’m just pathetic….might have to use that one. I don’t get angry very often but when I do, sometimes it just feels sooo good…lol…it’s hard to let go of it.

    1. ROFL glad you hear the stuff I hear in the middle o whole words! I did another nutshell about “Revelling in My Rightness” it’s on here somewhere.. cause I’ve been right a couple of times with my wife… and… I just can’t let it go! ROFL

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