12 Replies to “Dear God Why Don’t People Like Me?”

  1. Well, I laughed through the whole thing! Sounds just like a lot of less mature Christians, don’t ya know…

  2. I love doing these nutshell sermons every day. They keep my mind alert and attitude humble. And it’s true Bryan I wouldn’t hear any of this in church. Thanks for doing this for me. And thanks for keeping me and not dismissing cause when people can’t figure me out they tend to blow me off. The truth is I’m an individual and a little eccentric but there’s nothing wrong at least from my view..lol

  3. LOVED this nutshell. It’s not just co-dependency, it’s narcissism and that is a huge problem in the church. This nutshell sermon was great. I’d LOVE to see the stick – it or post – it notes that this guy has come up with.

    1. Oh they’re no longer stick it notes.. read em on twitter/X all the time.. the Pope used one just the other day about who isn’t a Christian.. cause he’s got his life and thoughts all lined up! LOL

  4. oh wow! that was blunt. christians that are self-righteous, and manipulative. I love that phrase, “he can’t be a believer if he says something like that” hmm. or if you don’t show up for bible study, or live in our neighborhood, there’s definitely a problem with your faith.
    prefer back row vs any other row 🙂

  5. Oh dear…this was close to home…I think I use the still, small voice…sometimes it’s so still and small that they don’t actually hear it when maybe they really should…lol….and sometimes it doesn’t come across still or small. …

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