12 Replies to “All In Gods Hands”

      1. Bryan, wow… I’m older than you Brother. I’m fighting this aging battle. Those words are true for me as well. I think of people I know who are in their 80s and still goin strong. One is a singer from the late 50s & 60s, he was in his prime and on top. Hes turning 82 in March and goin on tour again. All in.Gods Hands. I struggle with do I just give up, or do I keep on fightin / struggling. My whole life has been a fight. Never one to just lay down and take it. Sometimes, I guess it’s just not worth the fight.

        1. Its rare that someone that old is still doing what they always did. might be a sign of nothin new to pursue, I’m finding a change in my priorities, and yes, with an unfamiliar future there comes more trepidation.Maybe our curiosity ages as well, that thing the keeps us exploring when we’re young. I’m closer to a Blue Heart with you btw. Thanks for sharing it! wait till you hear where I was in life when I wrote this! Coming this week “The Waiting Is Over part 2” under “Jesus n Music”

  1. I don’t hear Elton. I love the bluesy feel. The guitar is amazing! We need to remember no matter what, it’s all in God’s Hands. He has not abrogated His throne. Nor will He be over thrown. Bless His Holy name!

  2. This is the antidote to your previous post. Again, we all have to catch up, often reluctantly, from our own worldly situation and sentiments to His reality. Not easy.

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