Those promises to the people of Israel are really up lifting. It’s good to know that as believers we can cling to those verses and know he is there. It’s kinda like the 2 sets of footprints In the sand, then one set disappears. We think he abandoned us, but in all actuality he picked us up and carried us..
Just a thought. Hope you’re well.
Love Isaiah, such a gift for aesthetic writing. Yes, life is not a rose garden, but roses florish on a load of well, merde. There’s a nutshell sermon!!!
7 Replies to “The Other Blessed Assurance”
Those promises to the people of Israel are really up lifting. It’s good to know that as believers we can cling to those verses and know he is there. It’s kinda like the 2 sets of footprints In the sand, then one set disappears. We think he abandoned us, but in all actuality he picked us up and carried us..
Just a thought. Hope you’re well.
lot of destructive fires in my state.. “you will have trouble in this life”
Yeah I saw the fires, crazy. Are you in any danger? Listened to James woods on fox. Scary stuff. Be safe…
I’m not near the fires at all.. the wind ? Yes, the air quality? yes.. but we are ok
Love Isaiah, such a gift for aesthetic writing. Yes, life is not a rose garden, but roses florish on a load of well, merde. There’s a nutshell sermon!!!
I’ll have to look up Merde! LOL no idea!
Seriously?! You have led a sheltered life!!