30 Replies to “Slide Whistlin’ In The Dark”

  1. Love this haha
    Reading the same Scriptures on different verses is true haha
    Try sharing a verse on social media to see how many don’t like it haha. My spouse is mostly on a different page than me most of the time. Haha.

    1. hi Jeff, LOL you’ve never mentioned him that I can recall .. I do believe you have a cat though for comfort! LOL thanks for comin over here from Twitter/X to add some encouragment!

    2. Me too, Brother! Only thing with my biological brother is that he wears white socks outdoors. That good kazoo lesson for the orchestra.

      Brother Bryan, keep on singing Jesus tunes and sharing Nutshell Sermons! I’m just a kazoo in the balcony seating!

  2. When I was engaged to my wife (33 years ago) my soon to be father in law said “Just give her whatever she wants. That’s what we’ve always done.” He was joking of course. This was a good 2-minute sermon.

  3. This is a conundrum of the highest order at times . You are up but your significant other is down and you got to find a way to commiserate with love and not be like Micheal Coleon when he thought he was out of the mob . Mike said ” I was out but they dragged me back in ” Some how you have to find a way support your other while you are up and not be dragged back in a opposite attitude that they are in ! I wish you well with that one ! Besides you know by now what to do most of the time to keep the peace ! And remember B, it’s always better to be SLIDE WHISTLING IN THE DARK THAN YELLING AT EACH OTHER IN THE LIGHT !

  4. It’s one of my favorites cause lots of fave songs are there…so cool…it sounds like Jesus and all of His friends to me!!! Lol

  5. Slide whistle to measure how intune we are with each other. Oh man. That hurts my ears just thinking about. So you should try reading together when eah person is reading in a different language. My wife’s mother tongue is german, we both are fluent in English and Hebrew. Reading in Hebrew is my default, but hers is german. Sometimes things get lost in translation. That slide whistle can get noisy. Sorry for the late reply. Family crisis….. Losing a grandparent long distance is a challenge to say the least… Been emotionally out of it

  6. If Jesus had said to me, “It is good for you that I am going away,” I would’ve said, “No it’s not.” This is how I feel with my wife often, because she is usually right in things I’m dealing with, like when I’m having a soul moment (pity party) and she comes along with her “stupid” wisdom that I can’t ignore.

  7. I laughed at the little quick conversation in scripture because I’m trying to imagine doing that in life. At least we’d be hearing scripture, but when it’s back and forth trying to tell the other person how you feel, probably wouldn’t work. When my husband’s in a bad mood, I try to leave him alone. Nothing I say would make his mood better. So I wait till he cools off and then we can talk.
    I’m trying to remember what a slide whistle sounds like. I know I’ve heard one before. That’s really funny.

    1. I’m sure you can find a slide whistle solo on you tube! LOL and I use scriptures sarcastically while talking to myself! LOL like “a little sleep .. a little slumber .. a little folding of the hands..” whenever I’m not doing enough

  8. A bit fatalistic.
    I am no where near Oswald Chambers. He died at 32 from Appendicitis. So much achieved so young.
    As for whistling in the dark , made a vid to that recently………..

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