35 Replies to “So Far So Good”

  1. One of my fav albums you made. I use to sing this one regularly. We loved this album. Back in the day we were sitting together just to listen to the album and analyze it.

  2. Man, this is good stuff! Your catalog is just too vast; I haven’t made it to this album yet! This is going in the queue.

    Not to change directions, but speaking of Bob Carlisle’s BGV’s, there is a song Steve Camp sings called He Covers Me, and just before the fade out there’s a BGV that sings the melody, and it’s so distinctive. I said to myself “That’s gotta be Bob Carlisle”. I looked up the album and he is listed in the credits. I’m assuming that’s him and if so that solves a 40 year mystery for me of “who dat?”

      1. Well Bryan we kive you telling us what you did yesterday today it makes for a better more complete itinerary. Thanks Sir!

  3. Sounds good from around that time…your voice is obvious and the repetition of verse give it a rockin effect. Bob Carlyle can’t hear cause you’re coming through loud n clear..

  4. My 19 yr old walked in my room while I’m singing this at the top ‘o’ my lungs and playing my pretend guitar! One of my favs!!!

  5. Man B you done went and played unfair with this one cause now you gonna make me go and pull this diamond out of the treasure chest and put on repeat myself ! One of my favorites of all times ! I see right now we both like to go way back like Lazy Boy chairs to get the good stuff out ! Circa 1986 Vintage And Extraordinarily GOOD !

  6. Bryan I got all your music you are a genius. Chris Reeves called me once when I read about a wreck and I needed to make sure you were ok? Are you ever just ok? You rock and I told him I don’t want to go through that again but I told my pastor why wouldn’t anyone not want Bryan D in our church? I kept sending him your music

    1. click on nutshell sermons on the main page there are over 150 of em.. I’m sure you missed a few! LOL .. I got a new one coming though on Saturday morning .. and a story of a song I wrote, coming thursday!

  7. It was like a lovely rock version of we’ve only just begun. Always loved this song and Bob is like the ultimate backup singer from Barry Manilow to you. Reminding us of past work is not a bad thing. Still better than other stuff coming out now. Its timeless.

    1. I wrote that bass line by the way .. maybe the most infectious groove I can remember doin’ love the way it turns around too.. never get tired of this song! thanks for resonating.. it was a little to no airplay kina thing that started to disappoint me about CCm

  8. Those vocals are amzing. I wish you would get more airplay.
    The guitar work is very 80s and I love it, reminds me of Steve Farris in Mr Mister.
    Great bgv by Bob.

      1. Bryan, apologies, you know that I have this problem, when I go to post a comment, I get this message stating have posted it before even when the temporary version of the comment hasn’t appeared. So apologies if this is also duplicated, but I was just wanting to say that someone told me personally how good Bob was on his albums when I came to the US and met him.

  9. Amazing vocals. So wish you would get more airplay.
    Great 80s style guitar work, reminds me of Steve Farris in Mr Mister.
    Great bgvs by Bob.

  10. Yes Indeed. This was a fav and people loved hearing it. I don’t think I did it as well as you the composer & vocalist but it was fun to try!! Excellent lyrics!

      1. Didn’t need much. It was already a great song. Just sing & play it. To most in that congregation, it was “new”.

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