15 Replies to “Got Pet Names”

  1. Oh, how I love this one! Pet names and the names of God. Very cool about writing your prayers and starting out with praise with His character. I’ve had quite a few nicknames, but the one that is most endearing, actually, is one that a junior high student gave me in youth group. He called me Mama Mote and I wasn’t sure about that, but it’s stuck with me and I use that all the time now for various things. My handle when I was using a CB was Flyin’ Mayan for almost obvious reasons… My first name and my nationality.

    I hope you don’t mind when I copy some of your ideas. So when you write your prayers are you actually writing them or typing them on computer. I continue to write sermon notes into notebooks so I can read all the scribble that I wrote down during the sermon.

    Thanks again for another fun, enlightening, funny and just good old BD humor. Hugs

  2. well thanks for mentioning me. good thing your initials are BO. HA!!!
    righting down your prayers is kinda like what we do in judiasm. The prayers are in prayer book so no one disrespects God or says things that, well me be a bit iffy or drift off… problem with prayer books are that God hears those prayers a million times, and we forget to check what’s really in our hearts. I wonder if he drifts off when we repeat the same prayers over and over and over ……
    Talk later BD!

    1. Glad to hear from you this morning I was reading the updates on the attack of Israel last night.. everyone was on alert.. I have prayers for you and your family whenever I see the conflict stories on Twitter X wondered if you’d go off the grid.. good to know yer doin aieght

  3. Thanks for your thought and prayers. Was indeed intense. We were awakened by artillery without ceasing and jets. Followed by air raid sirens for a couple hours. You could cut the air with a knife from the tension. God watches out for Israel, and those faithful to him ..

  4. Excellent nutshell! I used to write out my prayers…I need to get back to that…
    I’ve had several nicknames in my life…my maiden name was Weisser so “Bud” (when my husband and I married, people said he should have taken my name and become Bud Weisser…lol) …I had an x-boyfriend who was quite tall and I am quite short so we were Mutt and Jeff …somehow “Mutt” stuck with me even after we broke up…At some point, our family decided we should all have Indian names. Our oldest daughter was “Sleeps Alot”, our next daughter was “Lotsa Hair”, Bud was “So Darn Handsome ” and mine was “Dancing Sunshine ” (which was also a camp name). And now, I am BeLong…it had to be…lol.
    All that to say, I enjoyed this nutshell…it brought back memories….

  5. Very funny.
    When I was a small child, I was taught that prayer is just talking with God. I’m sure that praying without ceasing is like this, just talking to Him like He is a friend in the room all the time.

  6. Now I know where the NK came from!

    On the topic of names for God, something that drives me crazy is at church when you have a very churched person praying (usually one of the pastors) and they say the name for God over and over again – something like “Father God” after every 5th word. Like “I’m writing a comment, Father God, on Nutshell Sermons, Father God, because I really, Father God, want to share my own personal experience, Father God. Father God, it was a great episode Father God, and I, Father God, what to let my Lunatic Friend, Father God, know I got something out of it, Father God.” You get the point. I feel like it’s the Christian version of saying “um” and people start doing it just because it feels right, and it seems to lose its meaning. At least my lizard brain hears a prayer like that and I can’t help but get distracted by the Father God’s and lose focus….Ok rant over!

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