16 Replies to “Dear God You Send Angels?”

  1. Yeah the whole angel thing is funny. The actual interpretation for angel in ancient Hebrew is “messenger” no it doesn’t have wings and such. Thats christian mythology at it’s best. Nice though to think there’s these beings flying around to protect us. I do believe he sends them to watch over .sometimes intervene.

  2. my wife asked me a question about angels last week. I guess a teacher she works with told he students everyone has 3 or 4 guardian angels. sounds cool but it ain’t in the Bible. God is watching over us and sometimes sends angels. so far I’ve yet to have a donkey talking to me but there are some friendly fireflies that visit me at night outside. not sure how protective they are but encouraging…

  3. I had a problem with The Shack, I see my Father in the traditional sense. There are people who will say they have encountered angels and I even saw a video of cc footage of one rescuing someone from a pedestrian accident on Youtube. it looked pretty convincing. it would be nice to encounter one in the midst of some oppressive everyday circumstances.

  4. Crossed paths with a messenger about 40 years ago. Told me what she came to say, i turned around & looked back, poof. Gone. Will never forget it. Will tell ya the whole scenario if we meet up sometime.

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