8 Replies to “I shall Appear To Be New”

  1. There was a commercial when I was a kid , “buy a Ford truck and pass it down too your grandkids”. Now it’s trade in every three to five years. Don’t even get me started with cellphones.. what ever happened to if it’s broke, fix it, and keep using. Kinda like faith. Don’t trade it in , fix it! Yeah thats my new go to phrase…
    Fix and all things become anew. It doesn’t say get a new one. It says they’re refurbished..

  2. Cracking up at abbreviated names!! You can include coming up with names for “movements” or churches that don’t even make sense, let alone have meaning, ugh!!
    Your comment about not liking what is true so becoming forward thinking to get around it is profound. Seen lots of religious leaders get way off track because they were “forward thinkers” Never thought that they did that because they might have been convicted about something by the scriptures.
    This sermon got me on my soap box so I need to stop commenting before I get way off course, haha

  3. Very well put. As usual a common man touch to a very relevant Gospel. i still beiieve the utter metamorphasis of anyone and their ability in Christ to significantly help others.

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