16 Replies to “Sparky People”

  1. So when my kids were small they would start arguing and the back and forth would start. Monday I told my son, he’s younger, if she says something naughty momma will wash her mouth out with soap. Well he decided to take things into his own hands. She had said something particularly not nice. This time he didn’t respond. Come bed time we hear our daughter yell at the top of her voice “Gaby!!!!”. He had had enough. He put liquid soap on her toothbrush. She stuck that thing right in her mouth and low and behold, she got her mouth rinsed out with soup. Funniest family event ever. Moral of the story, need to think things through before responding. Vengeance is mine saith the lord. , in this case saith Gaby Lol!!!

      1. I don’t actually remember them ever getting their mouths washed out with soap. We’re good kids. I think the concept worried them. The tongue is a harsh weapon or a tool of mercy.

  2. I’m trying to imagine a man born without the ability to talk. no tongue to start or provoke a fire with words. I’m sure a deaf couple would argue and offend and one would sign “it’s not what you said, but how you said it” I guess all of us build up fodder or kindling in our life that makes it easy to either lash out or catch on fire. thankful for forgiveness and the ability to start each day new

  3. Man do I ever hate texting from my phone, even if I use talk to text. 1st off you don’t get the inflection of someone’s words and with me texts never come off as I intended. People read my words and most of the time po ed, because what I thought was funny, they don’t like at all. I understand the “Peter” concept, because I have a different way of comprehending things in the Bible, but God uses that and helps me explain why I do. Bryan you and I have talked about different things throughout the years and I think you know where I am coming from. Here’s a weird thought, it usual takes some sort wood product to keep a fire burning. And most definetly a hydrocarbon. Love Ya Bro

  4. Never got my mouth washed out with soap. Lol
    I remember when my sister did that to her son when he was maybe 6 or 7. He cried and cried haha

  5. Oh, yes. My texts and Twitter comments have surprised me sometimes. I usually voice them. Why does what I say not translate? I would be embarrassed if I hit send before checking. I have been embarrassed and that’s why I try to be more careful. I’ve seen cuss words, which is not me, and I clean it up before I send.

  6. The older I get the more I have to fight not being a grumpy old man. This nutshell sermon is at least the 3rd place convicting me (in a good way) to wash my mouth with soup Oops I mean soap. Think on what is lovely, pure and righteous. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with a fellow back pew occupant.

  7. When I was twenty my older (wiser), cousin told me to quit being so sarcastic. I’ve been working on it for fifty years… sigh …

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