10 Replies to “Got GPS?”

  1. It’s good when we can see ourselves in the Bible! Isn’t it? lol
    Good stuff as usual. Keep em coming. Sent you a little something via Venmo.

    Blessings to you and yours!

  2. Friends in low places, Garth brooks. Great song.
    So the government here has blocked gps for civilian usage. We’ve gone back to printing maps in the Galilee. Northern Israel. So my wife is the navigator. This is a challenge as well. So I’m gonna partly agree with you regarding our abilities. God gave us those abilities, so while trusting in him is a good thing, we also need to use our abilities, lest we lose them. I think there’s a balance in there somewhere.

      1. Yeah.. well there’s a cost. My son has been called back to service again. He’s been in the middle of this mess since the beginning. We’re all suffering from shell shock and a bit of PTSD. You should see be jump even when someone slams a car door

  3. I am very fond of the “GPS” girl. When we finally figured out how to use GPS it took a lot of pressure off me as the navigator…lol…Bud likes her too except when she tells me how fast he is really going…lol…I’m very thankful for God’s gps…I’m not always so good about checking tho…

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