6 Replies to “Why Is The Devil Still Here?”

  1. Hell on earth. I get it. The sad thing is, it is what we make it.
    I’ve also heard the phrase heaven on earth. I think it’s a question of perspective. Is the cup half empty or half full.
    181 Missiles rained down on south central Israel last night. You can perceive that as hell on earth, or maybe a miracle sent from the God of Israel that there was no real damage. Then again you can look at it as hell on earth, 8 people died in Yaffo Tel Aviv during a terror attack on the light rail.
    Pray for my son, he’s been called back to active duty to the border of lebanon.

      1. There is a majority in the US that do have integrity. The problem is they’re not speaking up do to fear of ridicule. They call it the silent majority. I hope the speak out this election. I submitted my absentee ballot.

  2. Hey guys I work at Home Depot. When my lunch break happens I go to my car to get away from the insanity and craziness. Then In quiet comfort I have lunch with my Lunatic Friend

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