9 Replies to “Little Bit At A Time”

  1. Love this song. I do sing that refrain to myself when I’m tackling a big project or I’m just tired and trying to push through. It helps!

    1. Someone called me the other day about using a song from an early Sweet C project for a tv effort about the Jesus movement.. I discovered that they had seen one of your videos! cant’ remember now which one.. we talked about so many songs after that

  2. This is one funky groove. I LOVE it. You and Phil make a great duo.
    Everytime I watch the video I just laugh it’s funny. But your voice is so soulful and smooth on this.
    Do you know how great you really are? Lol best voice in the biz.

  3. Making my way through these. Bingeing would be a better description. Loving the music I never heard. I thought I had all the released stuff.

    It pains me to hear about the struggles, but thank you for your transparency. The struggles either make us stronger or bitter. Sounds like you overcame most of the bitter and are stronger for them.

    What’s the best way to purchase the “newer”music and support you? By one of your comments, iTunes doesn’t pay well.

    1. Hi KP just saw you on Venmo.. I think yer contribution covers whatever you don’t have.. most projects are out of print by I send Mp3s to your email addy of any song or project yer interested in just for being on the back row with me LOL contributions are always helpful right on this podcast on the nutshellsermons.com/Support Request what ever you like that you hear on here. Thanks for the ‘advance’ already

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