12 Replies to “Papa Ain’t Gonna Quit”

    1. Hi Lynda !!! thanks I sent you this one first.. let me know if you want the five songs I talked about in the episode “Careening Off The Guardrails” .. all songs on still dancin will eventually be on nutshellsermons under songs that didn’t get airplay.. just let me know

  1. A trip for me down memory lane! I used to work for Daryl Ballou back around 1984-1987 as a FOH guy and remember working a few shows on the SCB Farewell tour. Great memories from those days. keep up the good work!

    1. Hey Carl.. i’d prolly need a pic to remember you that far back! but good to see you on here! This is my second job now.. nobody can live on one salary these days LOL don’t be a stranger here on my nutpod … free opinions! LOL

  2. What a wonderful tribute to hardest working man in show business. I still recall going to my first James Concert 1963 in Cincinnati Ohio.

    1. I appreciate your appreciation of my fav Papa! and for your comment.. I met James in the DFW airport, but never saw him in concert officially.. just liked that screamin’

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